At Heights and Minds, we believe every child deserves the best possible start in life. We ensure that during the critical first 1,000 days, children receive the nutrition and early stimulation they need for healthy brain development and a bright future.
Through our innovative tech-based MindUp Concept, we tackle challenges related to child growth, development, and parenting.
Together, we can create a world where every child thrives, free from malnutrition and rich in cognitive opportunities. Let’s build a strong foundation for a healthier, smarter generation!
Good Nutrition, Smart Brain, Bright Future!
Heights and Minds: La mission et la vision
La mission de Heights and Minds est de promouvoir la croissance et le développement des enfants et de prévenir la malnutrition chronique pendant les 1000 premiers jours de la vie. La malnutrition chronique au cours des 1 000 premiers jours augmente le risque d'altération du développement cérébral avec des effets négatifs à vie.
La vision de Heights and Minds est de donner aux femmes des communautés mal desservies les connaissances et les outils nécessaires pour promouvoir le développement de l'enfant et prévenir la malnutrition chronique, en leur fournissant des lieux sûrs et amusants pour le partage d'expériences, la collaboration et l'articulation de solutions locales.
Ce faisant, nous contribuons à l'objectif de développement durable (ODD) 2 "Faim zéro" et à l'ODD 3 "Bonne santé et bien-être".
We envision a world where every child’s first 1,000 days ensure a happy, healthy, and productive life, free from malnutrition and rich in cognitive development opportunities.
What is a MindUp?
A MindUp is a dedicated space run in partnership with local communities where parents and caregivers can learn and support their child's growth and development in an engaging, trusted and stimulating environment.
Trained MindUp Managers monitor adequate weight gain during pregnancy as well as the growth and development of children under two and provide personalized counseling.
They also host activities at the MindUp such as cooking classes and climate-smart urban gardening. All MindUps are connected through the Heights and Minds Global MindUp Network, where they have the opportunity to share experiences and learn from each other.
The Heights and Minds Digital Solution (HMF-DS)
HMF’s tech solution is an in-house built digital system and toolkit which is cost-effective and scalable. It tracks child growth and offers personalized tailored advice. Combined with the MindUp concept, this is a game-changer in the world of community nutrition.
This technology-driven approach streamlines administrative tasks, such as scheduling and coordination, in-person nutrition consultations with mothers and their children, also ensures real-time data collection and analysis.
Watch to learn more
about our
Heights and Minds Digital Solution program and how it helps monitor, educate and evaluate child growth and development!